Armed Forces, which includes the Army, Navy and the Air Force are one of the finest Institutions of our great nation. If your desire is to serve the nation nothing is better than being a part of the Armed Forces.
Armed Forces is looked upon by every one for several virtues like discipline, dedication, commitment, adventure, opportunities to grow, higher education and above all leadership at a very early age. It provides a very clean and healthy environment to work and live with a sense of pride and honour.
Armed Forces offer one of the finest careers possible. Ironically, while the youth in our country is struggling to find employment, there are thousands of vacancies in the armed forces that don’t get filled up year after year. The reason is not lack of talented youth but absolute lack of awareness and knowledge of the selection process.
Services Selection Board (SSB) is the most important of all tests to clear before joining the Armed Forces. Selection into the Armed Forces is done in four steps.
Step 1: All India UPSC Exam conducted in Apr/Sep every year
Step 2: SSB
Step 3: Medical Examination
Step 4: Merit List
All the four steps need to be cleared before entering NDA/NA. Out of this Step 1 tests your academics and Step 2 tests your suitability of personality and Life Skills for the Armed Forces.
SSB by far is the toughest selection process as it determines your suitability of personality and life skills which is not taught at Schools. DSPA is probably the only institution to groom children in both academic and personality traits including life skills.
Highlights of career as an officer
Entry Eligibility
The entry level qualification ranges from 12th Class to Post Graduation. Some of the entries are described as below: -
1. NDA/NA Entry
Boys and Girls studying in 12th Science (PCM) stream can enter the NDA/NA. At NDA candidates are put through graduation (B Sc) whereas at the Naval Academy candidates go through four years B Tech program.
The complete expenses towards lodging/boarding/education are borne by the government. In addition the candidates are paid a stipend of Rs 21000 per month.
Aspiring candidates are required to go through an entrance test conducted by UPSC which is held twice a year and thereafter pass in Services Selection Board (SSB).
2. Graduate Entry Scheme.
Candidates who are graduate in any stream can join the Indian Army, whereas, in the Indian Navy and Indian Air Force, science graduates are considered for the main branches. However, in ground duty/admin branches of the Air Force and Logistic Branch of the Indian Navy, graduates of BBA, B Com or BA (Eco) etc are considered.
The aspiring candidates are required to go through an entrance test called CDS (Combined Defense Services) conducted by UPSC which is held twice a year and thereafter clear SSB, However, Air Force conduct Common Aptitude Test (AFCAT).
3. Technical Entry Scheme.
There are two entries: -
(a) After 12th Science (PCM) and clearing JEE. Children who clear JEE with high percentage will be directly called for SSB. There will be no entrance test for them. They then join Cadets Training Wing (CTW) at Pune, Mhow or at Secunderabad.
(b) After Engineering. Candidates of almost any stream of engineering are eligible to join the armed forces. Engineering graduates do not have to appear in any entrance test but are required to pass SSB. However, Air Force conducts Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT).
4. N CC Special Entry Scheme.
NNC ‘C’ Certificate holders are eligible to join and do not have to go through the UPSC entrance examination. They have to just pass in SSB.
SSB Process
SSB looks at various officer like qualities (OLQs) that a candidate should possess. It also checks on the life skills the candidates have before selecting to join the armed forces.
A candidate is assessed by three trained assessors ie, An Interviewing Officer, a Psychologist and a Group Testing Officer (GTO). There are a total 15 OLQs that are examined by each of assessor using different tools/techniques.
OLQs are divided into four factors: -
(a) Factor 1: Planning and Organizing
(i) Effective Intelligence (EI)
(ii) Reasoning Ability (RA)
(iii) Organizing Ability (OA)
(iv) Power of Expression (POE)
(b) Factor 2: Social Adjustments
(i) Social Adaptability (SA)
(ii) Cooperation (Co)
(iii) Sense of Responsibility (SOR)
(c) Factor 3: Social Effectiveness
(i) Initiative (Ini)
(ii) Self Confidence (SC)
(iii) Speed of Decision (SOD)
(iv) Ability to Influence the Group (AIG)
(v) Liveliness (Liv)
(d) Factor 4: Dynamic
(i) Determination (Det)
(ii) Courage (Cou)
(iii) Stamina (Sta)
SSB Training
Duration -7days (First Monday of the month to Sunday)
Cost -Rs 16000/Candidate (which includes Hostel facility, Food and Training)
Qualification -12th pass or should have given 12th board exam.
-Should have appeared for NDA/NA/JEE.
-For Graduates, should have appeared in CDS exam.
-For Technical Graduates, should have given the final year.
-OR should be a NCC ‘C’ Certificate holder.
Strength -20 Candidates/Batch.
Training Schedule
(a) Day 1 -Allotment of Chest Nos and Filling of PIQ forms
-Ice breaking session & SSB Procedure
-Briefing of various tests
-Registration for one year academic coaching for NDA Mains through "Shaurya Bharat" App (Rs.1500/- per year)(optional).
(b) Day 2 -Conduct of Psychology Test
-Debrief of Psychology Test
-Group Discussion
-Group Discussion Practice Session
(c) Day 3 -GPE Explanation (Psych assessment & feedback report)
-GPE Practice Session (Psych assessment & feedback report)
-Lecturette & GOR explanation (Psych assessment & feedback report)
-Concept of Cantilever (Psych assessment & feedback report)
(d) Day 4 -Intro & IO technique and OLQs
-Interviews and feedback reports
(e) Day 5 -PGT & HGT (Interviews and feedback reports)
(f) Day 6 -CT (Interviews and feedback reports)
(g) Day 7 -Conference procedure and handing over of Report
DSPA Kallakurichi specializes in imparting training for SSB interviews, to ensure selection in Army, Navy and Air Force. All entries for both boys and girls into NDA/NA/AFCAT/CDS/OTA/10+2 (Army/Navy Tech)/TES/NCC/TA/ACC etc need to clear SSB.
A well trained faculty of an Interviewing Officer of the rank of Major General, A Psychologist and a Group Testing Officer will be imparting the needed training to the aspirants. DSPA imparts training for all the selection tests conducted till the final round includes the SSB test, the Interviews, Outdoor feats, Psychological tests, Group discussions, screening tests etc.
Why DSPA Kallakurichi?