Candidates from All States of India. No reservation of seats on any basis. Both Boys and Girls are eligible.
Age – Not more than 17 years of age. Stipulation of cut-off date of birth will Not be more than 17 years as on 31st May in the year the child joins Class XI at DSPA.
Corresponding age ceiling for lateral entry into class XII shall be applicable
Medically fit as per NDA requirements.
For Class XI – student must be currently studying in Class X or should have completed Class X (Below 17yrs age) with English , General Science (PCM), Maths, IT/CS.
For Class XII - student must be currently studying in Class XI or should have completed Class XI (Below 17yrs age) with English , General Science (PCM), Maths, IT/CS.
Desirous of Joining the Armed Forces or any of the Uniformed Services.
Eligiblity for SSB Training
NDA / NA (12th pass)
17 1/2 to 19 1/2 yrs
NA ( For Graduates)
19 to 22 yrs
AF Academy ( For Graduates)
19 to 23yrs
IMA / OTA ( For Graduates)
19 to 24 yrs
IMA / OTA / NA / AFA ( For Technical Graduates)
20 to 27 yrs
SSCW ( For widows of Armed Forces Personal)
Max of 35 yrs
Eligiblity for Agniveers Training
Age - 17 1/2 to 21 yrs
Education - 8th / 10th / 12th Pass
Open to boys and girls
Medical and Physical fitness standards as per norms